Our Mission: Worship, Grow, Serve & Multiply



“A Psalm of Assurance”

On Sunday, join us at 9:30 AM as we gather to worship our Lord, we’ll continue with the third installment of our series, “Praying through the Psalms”. Our focus will be Psalm 91. You are encouraged to read it here and to reflect on it as you prepare your heart for what the Lord has to say to you through His Word. We are looking forward to worshipping with you!


Sunrise Annual Picnic October 27th

Join us on Sunday, October 27th, from 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM at the Herrera’s home (3986 Ave 248, outside Tulare) for our outdoor family event. We’ll have activities for kids and adults, our friendly volleyball match, and a bounce house for the little ones! We’ll be serving delicious tacos, and we invite you to you sign up to bring a side dish to share. Don’t miss this chance to connect, laugh, and celebrate the season together. We look forward to seeing you!


Weekly Options to Deepen Your Spiritual Journey

High School Youth Group  

All high schoolers are welcome to join us on Thursdays at 6:00 PM at the Sunrise Campus. We’ve got games, real conversations, and a chance to make awesome friends. Come hang out at youth group!  For more information, contact Franky at 559-556-9353 or email him at Franky @sunrisecommunity.org. 

Faith Principles Class 

In our 8:30 AM Sunday class, we gather to learn more about the essentials of the Christian faith using the Heidelberg Catechism to guide our discussion. All are welcome to this class!

Join Us for Class #3 – Building a Strong Spiritual Foundation!

Come to the Sunrise campus this Sunday at 6 PM for the third session in our 6-part series exploring key Christian doctrines. This class is designed to help deepen your understanding of God’s Word and strengthen your spiritual foundation. Everyone is welcome

Midweek Activities

Every Wednesday starting at 6:00 PM, Sunrise doors open to offer opportunities for spiritual growth for all ages. We have our SHinE program for elementary school children, our youth group for middle schoolers, and adult study groups in both, English and Spanish. Join others at Sunrise!


Bible Reading Program

At Sunrise we are following a 3-year Bible reading program designed to help us engage in God’s Word consistently and intentionally. You are encouraged to continue your daily Bible reading journey or start today if you haven’t yet. Just click here: Bible Reading Plan by Miguel Cruz 10-6-2024 to 11-09-2024. Printed copies are also available on Sundays at the information table.


Sunrise Giving Tools 

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”  We can learn from 2 Corinthians 9:7 that intentional giving leads to intentional joy. When we are purposeful with our giving, we are making God Lord over our finances and trusting that he has our lives in his hands. When we give, we imitate Christ, who gave Himself entirely for our sake. Our encouragement is to give with an intentional and joyful heart.

If you wish to make a financial gift, visit our “Donate” tab on this website. You can also use our Church Center mobile app or send a text with your gift amount to 84321 and follow the prompts. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our staff.