Our Mission: Worship, Grow, Serve & Multiply

Our Current Message Series: “I Believe in the Holy Spirit”

On May 19, Christians throughout the world celebrate what is called Pentecost Sunday. At Pentecost, 2000 years ago, the first Christians graduated in one day from a small group of 120 cautious believers into a throng of 3,000+ bold witnesses for the risen Lord Jesus.  What happened on that day?  The Holy Spirit, which Jesus had promised His followers, was poured out upon them and enabled them to proclaim the word of God to the nations gathered in Jerusalem.  Ever since that day, the Holy Spirit has been moving in God’s people, inspiring, encouraging, equipping and sending them on a mission for the Lord.  We need the Holy Spirit in order to believe in Jesus, but what does it mean to believe in the Holy Spirit?  During the month of May, we’re going to look at what the Bible has to say about the person and work of the Holy Spirit by examining some of the key claims about the Spirit found in that ancient confession of faith known as the Apostles’ Creed.  We invite you to join us.

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