Our Mission: Worship, Grow, Serve & Multiply


The Weekly News


“I believe in the Holy Universal Church”

On Sunday, at 9:30 AM, during our worship time together, we’ll share the second installment of our new message series looking at the person and work of The Holy Spirit. You can read the main Scripture by clicking on this link. We hope you can join us!


The Lord’s Supper Sunday

Also, on Sunday, we’ll start the new month by sharing in the Lord’s Supper. This is a time to reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice for us on the cross, for which you are encouraged to prepare spiritually.  Set aside a time beforehand to evaluate your spiritual walk and confess your sins and shortcomings before our Lord in prayer.


Pentecost Offering in May 

Pentecost marks the significant event of the Holy Spirit’s outpouring upon Christ’s followers, and the sending out of the church in the world. At Sunrise, we honor this occasion each year through our Pentecost Offering. Funds collected are used for starting and supporting new churches. Stay tuned for further details and begin to pray about how God would lead you to participate.


Wednesday Night Activities Wrap-Up

This Wednesday, May 8 at 6 PM, we are wrapping up our school year of activities and study groups with a celebration. Join us for a simple meal, and stay tuned for other growth and connecting opportunities during the summer.  


Pastors Talk Transition 

This week, our Sunrise pastors (Greg, Martín, and Russ) sat down to share their thoughts about our recent message series on “The Everlasting God.” They also talked about the status of the pastoral transition that is taking place at Sunrise.  Look for their “Cutting Room Floor” podcast to drop soon on the Sunrise YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@sunrisecommunity


Faith Principles Class 

Every Sunday at 8:30 AM in the Serve Room we gather to learn more about the essentials of the Christian faith. Each week we use the Scripture-based answers of the Heidelberg Catechism to guide our discussion.


Bible Reading Program

God’s Word is our foundation for a life centered on Christ. Whether you’re new to reading the Bible or a seasoned reader, you are welcome to join our Bible reading program. To access our reading plan for April through June, simply click the next link: Bible Reading Plan created by Miguel Cruz – 04-11 to 06-01-2024Printed copies are available on the information table at the back of our sanctuary. Printed copies are also accessible on the information table at the rear of our sanctuary.


Sunrise Giving Tools

Athletes, movie stars, and world leaders receive what is called the VIP treatment.  They are given the best hotels, the best meals, and the best transportation because of their status as very important people.  God, however,  is the MIP, the most important person, and the MVP, the most valuable person of them all.  He has given us the best in His Son Jesus, and He deserves only the best from us.  Giving is an opportunity to bring our best to God as a way of thanking Him for His best.  

At Sunrise you can give by going to the “Donate” tab on this website. You can also use our Church Center mobile app or send a text with your gift amount to 84321 and follow the prompts. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our staff.